
See photos : One time webmaster claims to be a cultist

Cultism is something that's not accepted in our country, i see no reason why someone will claim it.

Its known that kegite is a crew for gyrations but later on changing to something else because the members in it who went ahead to join other brother hood like, bagers, aye and eiye.

The funny part is that he said he stepped into the holy land on gyration (kegites) when he was in secondary school.

Still on that he claimed that he join bagers also when he was still in secondary school.

Still upon the news that was heard on the 25th December 2017 of a guy imadu who was killed by his ex crew he still couldn't learn from it

I'm still wondering why someone will want to risk his life and integrity over over nothing
See photos : One time webmaster claims to be a cultist See photos : One time webmaster claims to be a cultist Reviewed by Bezzy izuka 🥶 on 2:44:00 AM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

the fool is childish

xboy chukz said...

if i see this boy , I'll throw him over board

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