
Shock and confusion as cow with 5th leg coming out of its bac is born

- Cow born with ‘fifth leg’ on its back has been discovered in China

- The poor cow was reportedly born with an extremely rare birth defect-

Many people thought the cow was a ‘mutant’, but experts say that isn’t the case

shock and confusion has griped China after live cow with five legs is born in Qinlong County in south west of the country. The poor cow is said to must have been born with an extremely rare deformity that has left it with a leg protruding on its back.

Many have come to believe that the cow is ‘mutant’, but experts say this is not the case and that the cow is actually a twin and in healthy condition.

The extra leg, according to the experts, belongs to the animal’s unborn twin. The deformity was reportedly caused by an incomplete egg separation.

The bizarre incident comes a few days after a baby turtle with two heads and six legs was discovered in a pet shop the same country.

The strange-looking turtle caused a storm as people from all walks of life trooped to the pet store to see the two-headed and six-legged baby turtle.
Shock and confusion as cow with 5th leg coming out of its bac is born Shock and confusion as cow with 5th leg coming out of its bac is born Reviewed by Bezzy izuka 🥶 on 11:05:00 AM Rating: 5

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