
What are the Health Benefits of Having an Orgasm Everyday?

In reality, there shouldn’t be any reason to have to convince you to start getting your freak on every day other than the simple fact that it’s fun, but for those who need a little more convincing, here are some great physical and emotional excuses to start orgasming on the daily basis.

Regular Intercourse

It connects you as a couple » Partners tend to get frustrated with one another, when they aren’t having enough $€*. Think that’s just your selfish partner missing their orgasm? Think again. There’s a reason we feel an exaggerated form of love after $€*, and it’s more than just the oxytocin affect of an orgasym. $€* connects us as partners. It creates a bond of intimacy that stretches beyond simply having an orgasm; but hey, that’s good, too 'cos it strengthens your connection as a couple. Getting this boost of affection every day will do wonders for your relationship in the long run.

It’s good for your heart » While this sounds like a OMG, it’s actually true! One study showed that men who had $€* two times a week or more were less likely to die of heart disease. $€* is good for your heart rate and overall cardiovascular health.

It’s great exercise » While facts have become clearer regarding the elusive “s e xercise” regime not exactly burning 1000 calories a week, $€* is still a great form of exercise, if done every day. To really boost calories burned during the dirty, try challenging new positions such as The Kneel (sitting in front of one another on your knees), standing up, or The Shoulder (putting your legs straight into the air over his shoulders while he holds up your butt). Hot and a definite workout!

Sure, you can always just hit the gym and go for a jog every morning, but wouldn’t it be so much better for both of you if you can engage in mutual exercise and bond at the same time?

It Eliminates prostate cancer » A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that men who had orgasms regularly were less likely to develop prostate cancer. The best part? You don’t even need a partner! As long as you’re cuming, it doesn’t really matter how you go about getting the job done.

A cure for the common cold » Well, maybe not. But studies have shown that regular intercourse will help improve your immune system by boosting the immunoglobulin-A antibody, which helps protect your $€*¥ body from fever and common colds!

Shoutout to my man Geezy, i had to research on Anchor24 to proove this. Get the right informations and share what you know→
What are the Health Benefits of Having an Orgasm Everyday? What are the Health Benefits of Having an Orgasm Everyday? Reviewed by Bezzy izuka 🥶 on 4:16:00 PM Rating: 5

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