
While Apple Unveils Their New Line Of merchandise

While Apple Unveils Their New Line Of merchandise

Will you be surprised by the next
thing Apple thinks of? Well, this new
Apple product surprised people to the
point of trolling! For 2016, Apple
released their ideas of all their new
products. Two of these were the iPad
Pro that comes with a stylus. The iPad
Pro which is called the "monster iPad"
and the pencil that costs $99 has
been all everyone has talked about.
But c'mon, Apple should have
expected the response - especially
when Steve Jobs stated he's not a
fan of the stylus. But that's the tool
to work the iPad Pro, with a 12.9 inch

As we would all expect, the users of
social media reacted in an ever-funny
way that represented that hilarity
behind these products.
We're not sure what has caused the
funniest reactions: the parody of the
gigantic size of the iPad Pro or the
trolling behind the pencil.
They Photoshopped The New
'Monster iPad' Into A New
Internet Meme

Actually, the answer is when
people use both!
The Screen Is No Bigger Than A
Macbook Air

Apple Would End Up Doing
Something Like This

Why isn't this considered a

So will you be motivated to buy the
iPad Pro with the Pencil?
If you like Apple products but love
social media trolling more, then
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While Apple Unveils Their New Line Of merchandise While Apple Unveils Their New Line Of merchandise Reviewed by Bezzy izuka 🥶 on 10:13:00 AM Rating: 5

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